All-glass and metal fences

A variety of fastening systems for glass fence panels, at present, makes it possible to find the option that is suitable exactly for you.

The fastening system of the glass panels is a clamping aluminum profile of different types:

Combination with the use of posts made of stainless steel Aisi 304;
Combination with mini posts as well as a number of point mounting of glass panels of the fence to the end of the floor

Fences are made taking into account the regulatory documentation as well as taking into account the loads on a particular system of fencing. The glass used in enclosing structures is tempered, 10-12 mm and also injury-proof with the use of triplexation from 6+1+6 mm to 10+1+10 mm.
Metal fences made of AISI 304 stainless steel are an excellent, long-lasting solution used in various parts of fencing structures. At the moment, in this area there is a huge number of accessories, components as well as the basis of the fence - racks and handrails which allows you to make a composition of the enclosing structure for every taste. All fences, regardless of their purpose, are designed and implemented taking into account the regulatory documentation as well as the ergonomic convenience of further operation.